September RPAS Ground School Training
Calgary and Regina Courses on Sale
Our drone courses will be on special during September. If you book the following
- RPAS Ground School (on Sale) either in Regina or Calgary & The RPAS Flight, Mapping & Software Training (on Sale)
- You will get the Advanced Operator Flight Review included
No matter whether you plan to fly your drone commercially or just as a hobby, you will be required to have a Basic or Advanced Operator’s License from Transport Canada.
Many flight operations can be performed with a Basic Operator’s License, but if you want to fly within the below conditions you will need an Advanced Operator’s License.
- Fly within complex airspace (specific aircraft)
- Fly within 3 nautical miles from airports and 1 nautical mile from heliports
- Fly within 30m and over people (specific aircraft)
You will learn everything that you need to a competent and safe pilot.
Contact us to schedule your courses, or Click here to Register