Upcoming RPAS Ground School Training
Webinar – April 20-22
AgCon is pleased to announce upcoming RPAS Ground School Training will be an Interactive Webinar
No matter whether you plan to fly your drone commercially or just as a hobby, you will be required to have a basic or advanced licence from Transport Canada.
One of the biggest thing that recreational flyers don’t know or understand is the airspace and where you can and cannot fly.
Below are some quick points
- Must keep your aircraft in view at all times
- Stay 3 nautical miles away from airports and 1 nautical mile from heliports
- Fly below under 400’
You will learn everything that you need to a competent and safe pilot.
Contact us to schedule your Flight Review for Advanced Licence.
We also recommend that you complete the course with the Advanced Operator Training
Cost: $600 + GST
Time: 8:30-4:30 each day
Click here to register